Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pretty good read

I had picked up a comic the other day because of the title. It was Gears of War.

I had played and finished the two main titles for the Xbox 360, but I hadn't reached forward towards the other media that had been released for the franchise. I just finished reading this copy, it is the 10 comic in the series.

It is a fairly good read, nothing too interesting but it has the gritty, war ridden feel that Gears of War conveys. It is a good read and any Gears fan should definitly pick these up.
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The fine art of dual monitors

Recently, I've been finding a number of applications that allow me to make myself a more productive student with the use of my two monitors. I use a Lenovo T400 laptop and a random 26" tv I purchased at Wal-Mart before I left for school.

I bought a cord early in the year that allowed me to connect the two. I hadn't known of the potential of the two items together until now. I downloaded such applications as Edgeless, John's Background Switcher, Virtuawin, and Displayfusion in order to enhance my two screens and my work load.  I learned that with all these apps in hand, my work was actually getting done.

I am still working on my set up. The picture above is from a week ago and I have changed a few things to make it more comfortable and neat, but the wire problem I have under the desk is something that will take me a while to figure out.