When I game, I usually have a cup of hot coffee, light and sweet, by my side.
Coffee just gets my juices flowing when I am playing a game. It helps me get through parts that get me frustrated or I don't want to get through it.
Before starting Bioshock 2 I was playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. I was playing on hard difficulty and I can say that the bosses are so damn annoying after having their thug buddies come in and mess with me while the heavy-built boss is slamming into you, killing and throwing me into despair. Coffee lets me take a break, have a sip of sweet dreams going down my throat and having a moment to think on the situation at hand.
Coffee also has many effects on the human body that help me game. It grants smarts, at least in my case. I think faster, react more timely and do things i wouldn't do faster if i wasn't drinking coffee.
Coffee helps me be more productive when I am gaming. Some say I am addicted to the stuff and to them I say "WOOO!!!! YEEAAAHHH!!!!" and slowly walk away.