Sunday, June 27, 2010

What Am I Playing?

Bioshock 2

Will I Buy Kinect? Maybe, Just Drop The Price

I understand what the Kinect, Microsoft's new peripheral for the Xbox 360, can do. It allows users to play video games and control their consoles with their bodies. That is the one thing that has me excited about Kinect. I can control Netflix by moving my arms around; that is awesome. I not only get to watch Mythbusters, but I get a mini-workout as well. Okay, maybe it is not much of a workout but I am trying to give it the benefit of the doubt...

Kinect will run for $150. That is just way too much for me. I am jobless, living with my mother for the time being and jobless. Did I mention I don't have a job to support such an expensive hobby like video gaming? I think I did. Maybe if it was $75 or $85, THEN and only then will I be interested in such a fine piece of technology as the Wii without the Wiimote, I mean Kinect is.

Featured Site of The Week: Goozex

I am a person who recycles. Well, recycles video games.

I found out about a great video game/movie trading site called Goozex a few weeks ago and it's helped my gaming habits get back into shape.

Goozex works on a points system that lets gamers buy used and some new titles with points they've earned from trading old or used games and movies. 100 points equates to $5, 200 points for $10 until 1000 points which is $50.  

It is a pretty cool site because you can buy games which would be almost $50 at one place, but be an equivilent of $15 on Goozex.

I've gotten games like Assassins Creed 2, Fable 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum and a few more titles for very cheap prices.