Friday, April 9, 2010
Gears of Love
I took a trip to Wal-Mart with my roommates today and came home with Gears of War 1 & 2.
They were both on the sale. Gears of War 2: Game of The Year Edition was for $30 while Gears of War Platinum Hits Edition was in the discount bin for $20.
Gears of War was one of the first games I played for the Xbox 360. It made me fall in love. I enjoyed the cover system and how sleek it was. When I got the hang of it, I worked the multi-player for hours on end. I met many friends by playing this game and I even bonded with family because of it.
The sequel was just as big a success if not better. It brought new modes, a new user-interface, and more memories with my friends.
I am a cheap ass gamer who tries to find the best deals possible in order to better enjoy my experience by knowing I have paid so little for something so huge, like my purchase of Dragon Age: Origins for $20 last week.