Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Zii Egg Plaszma makes me want an omelette and a new music player

Last night I made a post about how my iPod Touch was the best gadget that I’ve ever laid hands on.

Today, my opinion just got a change of heart.

I was looking at Gizmodo today, reading their daily posts, and I found an article about the Zii Egg Plaszma by Creative.

This little machine has an advantage over the iPod Touch because it holds Android within its plastic (don’t quote me on the material of which its made of just yet) interior.

This little device seems to have all the functions to make me want to toss my iPod Tocuh away(or sell it in order to get the Zii).

Cnet also has a more indepth look at the Zii and its features.